Freshwater activities in rivers and lakes


This department bathes in 300 days of sunshine per year so its lucky to also have lots of lakes and rivers. It consists of three main valleys named after their rivers – the Tech, the Têt and the Agly.

The high mountain lakes, wild, isolated, majestic and pure, are on the high plateau of Cerdagne-Capcir and in the region of Font-Romeu.

There are also lakes specially equipped for bathing and water sports such as fishing, pedalos and canoeing, of which the main ones are at St jean Pla de Corts, Villeneuve de la Raho and Vinça.


Lake of St Jean Pla de Corts

Canyoning Gorges of Galamus

Bathing is also allowed in the rivers and some are equipped for downriver canooing, white water rafting, canyoning etc. 

Depending on the level of the rivers and the degree of difficulty you require, the best sites are on the edge of the department, where the descent of the Agly through the Gorges of Galamus is a must, or on the Spanish border.

For fishermen, especially trout fishermen, the rivers are well stocked with fish although you may need patience and perseverance. There are special training swims for learners to practise their techniques.



Aquatics games St Jean pla de Corts

Fishing in River

Lake of Darnius (Spain)