Entertainements in Arles-sur-Tech

The village is 600 meters from the campsite and visiting on foot through the byways is recommended especially on festival days.

In Arles there is a town park a weight training gym, mini-golf, picnic area with open air barbecues on the river bank, golf 35km away and fitness trails. You can visit craftsmen at work, including the weaving at Le Vieux Moulin (The Old Mill), cutlery making and an artistblacksmith.
A visit to the “Gorges de la Fou” should not be missed, umfortunally closed for 2021…

Arles sur Tech holds to its old traditions and there are many local and religious festivals throughout the year. The first festival of the year is the Festival of the bear marking the end of the winter. A man disguised as a bear wishing to steal the wife of a shepherd, is hunted through the village to much hilarity.
The next one is the Festival of the goat kid in April when all the farmers of goats, sheep cows etc get together with the craftsmen of the area. Attention! – This has nothing in common with an agricultural show!!



Folklore Group Allégria

 Gorges de la Fou

On Good Friday there is the ‘procession of the Sanch’, the easter parade, which is the only one in the area apart from Collioure, to be held at night.
The “Rodella” is the offering, by the village of Montbolo, of a huge cake of beeswax to the patron saints of Arles, Saint Abdon and Saint Sennen, can be seen in the abbey.
In June there is the blessing of the mules, followed by the bonfires to celebrate St Jean on midsummer’s eve, when a flame is brought down from the top of Mount Canigou, to light the fires of the village.
13th and 14th of July – Bastille Day with a firework display on the 13th.
The festival of Arles on the 29th – 30th and 31st July, is a celebration of the patron saints of the village. There are various balls organised by the local associations; the folklore group, ‘Allégria’, and the international wrought iron exposition in October.
We have probably missed a few out but all these events are advertised in the reception and in the village.

St Abdon and St Sennen & the Rodella

Tissages Catalans “Les Toiles du Soleil”

International wrought iron